Hey everybody, this is Chris with Progressive Reporting Agency. Today, we're going to talk a little bit about getting your motor carrier authority. For most people starting a trucking company, getting your motor carrier authority is one of the biggest decisions you're ever going to make in your life. So, you want to make sure you're going about it in the right way. At Progressive Reporting Agency, we will do more than anyone else to make sure you're headed down the right path. Take, for instance, during the first call that you make to us, we'll take all the time that you need to help develop a customized game plan that's going to get your trucking company headed down the right path. So, let's take a look at everything that we're going to cover during the initial call. What entity type to use when forming a trucking company is something many people fail to consider but should be one of your most important considerations. The three most common business structures are limited liability companies, commonly called LLCs, corporations, and sole proprietorships. Each structure has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The main considerations are cost, ease of use, personal liability protection, and tax benefits. We'll discuss each and talk about which is best for your situation. Once we determine the right business structure, we can begin the motor carrier authority process. The process takes 21 days because of a mandatory government waiting period, and there's nothing we can pay, say, or do to shorten the process. Step one will be for us to apply for your USDOT and MC numbers. We can usually have those numbers to you within 30 to 60 minutes, which is important because your next step will be to get insurance quotes, which you can't get without your MC...
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Mcs 150 paper Form: What You Should Know
S.C. 46-5. General Description • All motor carriers must be notified in writing of the requirements of Title 15 USC Section 1371, which states that if a carrier has more than one office, it must report each establishment separately from each other and from other establishments not operating under contract with it. • The form must be completed and signed by all employees of the motor carrier.  The form may be available without a signature on the Website, or at FMCSA's offices and post offices. Form MCS-150B and Instructions | FMCSA The full name, birthdate, and SSN (Social Security Number) of each person employed by the motor carrier. • A complete motor carrier's identification number(s) (MCS-150 B). • A complete name, birthdate, and SSN (Social Security Number) of each person working for the motor carrier, the type of operation, and a description of the motor vehicle being used, and any license plate number. • The total number of vehicles operated by each motor carrier. • Any information that may be required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the operation of a motor carrier, such as an order to report any air traffic control clearance to another aircraft. Vehicles operated by the motor carrier. • A complete name, birthdate, and SSN (Social Security Number) of each driver. • No information other than the name, and date of birth of each person in the driver's place of employment who has not been previously reported on an MCL § 1391 form (a full list of individuals under this section can be found on the MCS-150B webpage). Motor Vehicle Registration — Form MV-12A (or MV-12B if you are registering any vehicle for the first time). • For businesses that do not have an official business license, such as a taxi company or a hotel, FMCSA will need a copy of the business license from the Secretary of State's office (or similar state authority). See MV-12B and MV-12C for sample licenses.
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